Program 2015
The "Hellenikon Idyllion" -
Welcome to the garden of the muses in Greece
Summer and Winter
Musical-cultural weeks for students
In the „Garden of the Muses“at the Greek sea
- Support program with cultural participation –
Unfold your knowledge and creativity, discover new projects and meet like-minded people! At once recover in a scenic location in typical Greek village of Selianitika, the sea around the corner and many ancient sites such as Delphi, Olympia, Mycenae and Epidaurus nearby.
...all of these in our musical-cultural meeting place
"Hellenikon Idyllion"!
Amidst by a stunning fruit, grape and flower garden directly at the beach our music pavilion with concert grand, our practice rooms with pianos, cello, string bass ..., two stages and our library invites you to
make music, philosophise, play drama, paint, dance, relax and inspire.
You are not only allowed to pick a variety of fruits, you also receive WLAN all over the garden.
Are you musically and culturally interested or do you want just listen and enjoy?
Are you 17-28 years old?
Send us your application with CV and stating your skills and hobbies as well as at least two possible stay periods to:
It is possible to apply separately or as a group of two or more persons, also with your lecturers. We offer you a convenient or free apartment considering your own creative suggestions and your potential participation.
For further information and encouragement for your own projects please visit our website
1. - 8. March
27 young musicians from Hamburg
The DolMiSol Orchestra was founded by the violinist and pedagogue inna Schmidt. Since 2013 it is conducted by the polish violonist and composer Ewelina Nowicka. Beside regular concerts in Germany, the orchestra also performed in Italy and China. It participated in the China Inn Festival and was awarded for outstanding performance for its performance in the Laeiszhalle Hamburg. In 2014 DolMiSol played a concert in the famous Oriental Art Center in Shanghai. The orchestra regularly performs at the Mirales Concert Hall of the Public Music School of Hamburg. Students of DoMiSol Orchestra have won awards from various competitions among others as Jugend Musiziert, China Inn Competition and the Competition of Polish Music in Hamburg.
Course and concerts
Direction, Evelina Nowicka
DoMiSol Streichorchester
Leopold Mozart, Sinfonie G-Major, No. 24 for Strings, ca. 12 Min.
Karl Jenkins, Palladio, 5 Min.
DMS - 4 Strings
G. F. Händel, March, 3 Min.
Charles Dancla, 4 Strings No. 1 op. 208, ca. 6 Min.
A. Corelli, Pastorale , 3. Min.
Julie Tenten, 1. Violin, Marco Zabel, 2. Violin, Annika Dierksen, Viola, Melis Özer, Cello
Flute Trio
Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Terzetto D-Major for 3 Flutes, ca. 10.Min.
Elena Mücke, Claudia Elbracht, Sina Grafelmann, Flutes
Trio 2 Flutes and Clarinette
L. van Beethoven, Menuett Trio op. 87, 5 Min.
J. L. Krebs, Bourrèca. 1 Min.
J. Haydn, Menuetto, 3 Min.
P. Köpke, Three American Folk Songs, ca. 3 Min.
Janine Witthaus, Flute, Svea Gaudian, Flute, Maria José Castro, Clarinette
5 Flutes
J. B. de Boismortier - Concerto in La minore op.15/2 für 5 Flutes, 5 Min.
Janine Witthaus, Elena Mücke, Claudia Elbracht, Sina Grafelmann, Svea Gaudian, Flöten
Trio/ two Flutes and Clarinette
Ph. E. Bach: Allegro scherzando for two Flutes and Clarinette, 2 Min.
Janine Witthaus, Flute, Svea Gaudian, Flute, Maria José Castro, Clarinette
Ewelina Nowicka, Violin, Mariola Rutschka, Flute
Georg Voukanos, Duos for Violin and Flute, ca. 10 Min.
All ensembles
Ewelina Nowicka, Greek Suite, ca. 10 Min.
Free entry for all concerts - Don't miss this!
Sun., March 1
7:15 PM Ioniko Kentro, in Plaka Athens
Wed., March 4
1:30 PM New Ancient Museum of Ilida near Olympia
8:00 PM Hall of Σκαγιοπούλειο, Patras
Thu., March 5
5:00 PM Hellenikon Idyllion Selianitika
Fri., March 6
9:30 AM & 11:30 AM Cultural Centre, Egio
Video with the Orchestra
12. - 22. May
Fourth visit of 20 students of Waldorfschool from Dortmund, Germany
25. - 29. May
The Youth Symphony Orchestra Neckarsulm under the conduct of Jochen Hennings will visit us for the fourth time with 85 students.

Jugend-Sinfonieorchester Neckarsulm
Friedrich Smetana “Der Kuss”
Johannes Brahms Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 5 g-Moll
Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 6 D-Dur
Ludwig van Beethoven Romanze op. 40 G-Dur
für Violine und Orchester
Frederik Smetana “Die verkaufte Braut”
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy “Athalie”
Marsch der Priester
Astor Piazolla Libertango
Aram Chatschaturjan Walzer
Ronan Hardiman The Lord Of The Dance
Arr. Larry Moore AMedley for Orchestra
Andreas Benz Brett aus Neckarsulm
“Im schönsten Wiesengrunde”
Thema und Variationen für Orchester
Jugend-Sinfonieorchester Neckarsulm
Leitung: Musikdirektor Jochen Hennings
Leitung: Galina Grigorjan
Solistin: Lisa Klotz, Violine
29. May - 7. June 2015
Singing Workshop
from 29th May to 7th June 2015
with Ulrike Buchs-Quante (singing)
and Ellen Kaufmann (piano accompaniment)
In the one week course (arrival 29th May / departure 7th June) we begin our days by singing all together.
Every participant (also our “baby singers”) is cordially invited. That is how we train vocal technique and the joy of singing.
We offer our advanced participants (who have at least two musically studied pieces with them) a daily workshop lasting
three hours with training in interpretation and individual performing optimization, accompanied by the piano.
After the “work”, we enjoy the wonderful nature in the garden of Hellenikon Idyllion, go for a swim in the sea directly
in front of the garden door and treat ourselves to some fine food in the numerous taverns of the greek holiday village…
On our free day, those who are interested also have the chance to go on an excursion to Olympia or Mykene,
under the direction of an experienced Greece expert. Further you can get taken into the land of the Ancient Greeks
with a lecture about the oracle of Delphi.
Ulrike Buchs-Quante, highly appreciated teacher of vocal pedagogy with a longtime experience in higher education, singer, and juror of several competitions and
Ellen Kaufmann, popular piano accompaniment and pianist (University of Music and Performing Arts Munich) and director of the musical youth competition “Jugend musiziert Südostbayern” as well as
Dr. Mehr A. Newid, expert on panhellenic culture (Aristoteles University Thessaloniki / LMU Munich)
will let your stay in Hellenikon Idyllion become a wonderful and unforgettable experience, together with director and housefather Andreas Drekis.
Possibilities of participation, further information and registration under
June 4, 2015, thursday 9:00 PM, ‘Garden of Muses‘
in Hellenikon Idyllion, Selianitika.
‘Teachers and participants of foregoing singing classes will perform a promising concert
with different songs, chansons and arias‘
8. - 20. June
Explore your singing skills!
Solo, duet or ensemble – for professionals and amateurs
at every level
Birgid Wiesmüller (vocals, voice training)
Susanne Reichl (piano, interpretation)
Both artists studied in Vienna and participated in masterclasses
of prestigious vocalists as well.
Ernst Haeflinger, Thomas Hampson and Angelika Kirchschlager.
As pedagogues they gathered experiences in voice training and interpretation over several years.
Goal of lesson is not only to improve the particular repertoire of the participants, but also to convey safety and convincibility in presentation.
and Juliane Gredmaier (vocals, voice training, violin)
Juliane Gredmaier received her primary musical education in playing the violin and the piano. Later she took singing lessons from Erdmunthe Spiecker, Munich. She also was a member of professional choirs as e.g. the Gächingen chantry Stuttgart or the philharmonic choir Munich during her vocal studies at the college of music. One tour leaded to Israel. Juliane Gredmaier was able to gather further soloistic experiences during study stays in Padua and Naples, accompanied by the orchestra of the college Università Ca´Foscari di Venezia. Beyond that she studied music-pedagogy, music-science and Italian at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. Her master´s thesis dealt with the topic “Traditional vocal-pedagogy at the conservatories of Naples”. Beneath leading a zither-orchestra and a choir Juliane Gredmaier performs as a solo singer at church concerts often.
For further requests:
Birgid: +43 676 6197 433
Susanne: +43 699 11117811
Juliane +49 89 58962378
Juliane Gredmaier

Susanne Reichl Birgid Wiesmüller
Concerto: Mi., 17.6.2015, 9p.m. , in the garden of Muses at Hellenikon Idyllon
Juliane Gredmaier, Soprano; Birgid Wiesmüller,
Alto; Susanne Reichel, Piano
Songs from W. A. Mozart, R. Wagner, J. S. Bach, F. Lehár, G. Gershwin,
G. F. Händel, and more
From 1st - 11th of July,
Pianist accompanies chamber music and chant
From 1st - 11th of July, an Italian pianist is our guest in the Hellenikon Idyllion .
He would be happy to play chamber music and accompany vocals.
Although he is an amateur pianist,
he is good at sight-reading. He is fluent in Italian and English,
but can also speak some French and German.
For more information please contact us via
12 - 18 July: Leipzig Youth Symphony Orchestra
The famous Leipzig Youth Symphony Orchestra from the school of music in Leipzig will stay with us for the third time this year.
Conductor: Ron-Dirk-Entleutner
More information about the program and the repertoire coming soon.
The Youth Symphony Orchestra Facebook.
27. July - 3. August
The youth sinfony orchestra AEG Böblingen under the conduct of Stefan Bergdolt
will visit us for the 6 time this fall.
The concerts with the young symphony orchestra from Böblingen, Germany which includes 70 persones under the direction of Stephan Bergdolt take place on the following days:
On the 30th of july at 21:30 in the antique theatre of Ilida by Olympia. (free entrance) Ancient Ilis.
On the 31st of july at 21.30 in front of the holy church of Saint Andreas in Patras. Beneficial concert under the care of the bishop of Patras. (free entrance) Agios Andreas (Patras) .
On the 1st of August at 19:15 at sunset and full moon rising as a spectacular concert in the antique theatre of Aigeira, with panoramic views at the sea, to the world premiere after 2500 years. Aigeira. (Free entrance as well).
For all of you, who don't want to drive by his or her own car, I can tell you that there will bei provided some buses, which depart at 6 o'clock in the evening from the Trigoni square of Aigion. Of course these buses are going to bring you back to Aigion (Trigoni square) at 9 o'clock. Reservations need to be taken/made until 30th of July via cell phone 26910-61100. The cost of the whole trip by bus is 5€.
On the 2nd of August at 21:30 on the main square of Akrata. (Free entrance as well) Akrata.
Georg Voukanos - "Areton Anotera" Choir with the Greek State Radio Choir (ERT) accompaniment of the orchestra it is a symphonical poem from the libretto of Dimitris Roumpanis, with texts of Pindar in ancient-greek language in honor of the ancient Olympic Games .
Beethoven - Egmont-ouverture
Bruch - violin concert, 2. part
Brahms - 2 hungarian Dances
Dvorak - 1. part from the 9th symphony
Vivaldi - concerto grosso
3 Medleys from Miss Saigon (musical), Gladiator (movie), Schindlers list (movie)
Anchient Theater of Aigeira 35 Km from Hellenikon Idyllion
Ancient Theater of Elis ( Ilida)
29th of August – 12th of September 15
Invitation sponsored project
„Orchestra and Singing Workshop"
directly on the Greek sea!
Term of application is the 30th of July 2015.

with Lisa Xanthopoulou conductor
The musical place "Hellenikon Idyllion" offers every musician between 15 and ........years and every singer (without age limit) the participation in our sponsored project „Orchestra and Singing Workshop“. Our “Garden of the Muses” is at the Peloponnese in the village Selianitika directly on the Greek sea. The project will start at the 29th of August and end at the 12th of September 2015. The program of the Orchestra is inspired of the Greek mythology and contains opera arias, overture, etc. A final concert will happen at the end of the week.
The project will be under the direction of the conductor Lisa Xanthopoulou ( Additionally there will be a Violin- and Singing docent.
Based to the participants of the project, the orchestra “Hellenikon Idyllion Youth Festival Orchestra” will be newly created in 2016. They will take part of different projects, concerts, competitions and opera performances. The singers from the project 2015 have the possibility to be chosen as a soloist for upcoming projects of the orchestra.
The costs for the project add up to 150,00 EUR per person/week or 250,00 EUR per person the 2 Weeks and include the workshop fee, the accommodation in a shared room with an own kitchen and shower/WC. You have also the possibilty to stay in a hotel in a single room for 45,00 EUR per night and 60,00 EUR for a double bed room (breakfast included). In that case the workshop-fee is 100,00 EUR per weel and 200,00 EUR for the entire period.
A concert grand, pianos, e-pianos, cello, contrabass, concert timpanis, drumset and practicing stages are available for free. During the workshop you have the possibility to visit a theatre performance in Epidaurus at the weekend or to see Olympia, Delphi or the acropolis in Athens.
Please register per mail and write your instrument and your musical level (and possibly awards). Term of application is the 30th of July 2015.
If you are an orchestra or choir director it is possible to offer your own workshop on another date.
Please visit our website where you can find the program for 2015 and our musical projects and events. We would be glad if you would spread the project and recommend us.
Your accompanists and families are also cordially invited to visit our place and spend their holidays here.
Best regards,
Andreas Drekis, Founder and Director of Hellenikon Idyllion and Promoter of this project
Telephone: 0030 2691072488
Mobile: 0030 6972263356
15. - 29 August 2015
For students of ancient Greek and all enthusiasts for Attic
Created, organized and financed by “Hellenikon Idyllion“ the Garden of Muses located in the Northwest Peloponnese.
Ἀττικιστὶ διαλέγεσθαι ἐν τῷ κήπῳ τῶν Μουσῶν
15 – 29 Αὐγούστου 2015
Ἀκμάζοντος τοῦ θέρους κατὰ τὸ σύνηθες φίλαι καὶ φίλοι μέν τινες φιλέλληνες ἐν τῷ καλουμένῳ κήπῳ τῶν Μουσῶν ἁθροίσονται ὡς συναττικίσοντες. Οὗτος δὲ ὁ κῆπος, μέγας καὶ ἐπίσκιος καὶ παραθαλάττιος ὤν, εὑρίσκεται ἐν τῷ Ἑλληνικῷ Εἰδυλλίῳ.
Καλλίστη δὲ γενήσεται ἡ ἡμετέρα διδασκαλία πολλῶν καὶ ἄλλων φιλελλήνων τῶν λόγων μετεχόντων.
∆ιὰ μὲν οὖν τοῦτο παρακαλοῦμεν πάσας καὶ πάντας ὑμᾶς ἐκ πάσης τῆς οἰκουμένης, αἳ/οἳ χαίρετε τῇ τῶν ἀρχαίων σοφίᾳ καὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτῶν, προσελθόντες συνδιαλέγεσθαι ἡμῖν. Ποία δὲ γενήσεται ἡ διδασκαλία; ∆ὶς τοι τῆς ἡμέρας ἐν τόπῳ χαρίεντι τοῦ κήπου συλλεγόμεθα καὶ ἀναγιγνώσκομεν γράμματα ἀρχαῖα ἐξηγούμενοι αὐτά κατὰ τὸ ἔθος τῶν φιλολόγων.
Οὐδενὶ δὲ ἀνάγκη ἔσται ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἀττικιστὶ ὥσπερ Γοργίας μακροὺς λόγους προφέρειν. Ἔξεστι γὰρ παντὶ τὸ πρῶτον μόνον ἀκροατὴς γενέσθαι. Ἀλλὰ ταχέως ὄψεσθε ὡς ῥαδίως ταῖς τῶν ἀρχαίων Ἑλλήνων λέξεσιν διαλεγόμεθα. Μελέτη γὰρ τὸ πᾶν, ὥς φησι Περίανδρος.
Ἡ δὲ ἐν τῷ Ἑλληνικῷ Εἰδυλλίῳ διαγωγὴ οὐ μονον ἐκ διαλόγων σύγκειται, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἄλλα γένοιτο ἄν πολλά. Πολλάκις γὰρ μουσικοί τε καὶ ἄλλοι τινὲς παιδείαν τιμῶντες ἐν τῷ Ἑλληνικῷ Εἰδυλλίῳ διατρίβουσιν, ὥστε συναυλίαι καὶ ἀκροάσεις τινὲς γίγνονται ἑσπέρας. Καὶ οἷόν τε ἂν εἴη ἄλλον τόπον θεάσασθαι καὶ δρᾶμά τι ἐν ἀρχαίῳ τινὶ θεάτρῳ.
Τοῦδε δὲ τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ πρόκειται ἡμῖν ὡς ἀναγνωστέος Ἡρόδοτος μελετῶσι περὶ τῆς τῶν ἀρχαίων ἱστορίας.
Ὁ δὲ διδάσκων ἐκλογὴν τινα κομψοτάτων τόπων τοῦ Ἡροδότου παρασχήσει.
Ἐάν τι πλέον καὶ ἀκριβέστερον θέλητε μαθεῖν – περὶ μάλιστα τῆς νυκτερινῆς διαμονῆς καὶ τῶν δωματίων καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν – εἰκὸς ἄν εἴη ὑμᾶς ἐν καιρῷ πυθέσθαι τοῦ διδασκάλου.
Κυρ. Florian Feicht,
Schützenstraße 14, 12165 Berlin
Email: / Tel. 0170-5835320
ἡ τιμὴ ἡ τῆς ἐν πολυκλίνοις δωματίοις διαμονῆς: διακόσια καὶ πεντήκοντα εὐρώ. ἡ τῆς διδασκαλίας τιμή: πεντήκοντα εὐρώ.
πυθέσθαι ἔξεστι καὶ τοῦ κτίστου καὶ κυρίου τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Εἰδυλλίου καὶ ταύτην λαμπρῶς τὴν διδασκαλίαν χορηγοῦντος
Κυρ. Andreas Drekis,
The reduced price for a two-week stay is 250 € per participant. As a component of our support each participant pays only 50 €/ two weeks for the lessons in ancient Greek by a selected tutor (4 hours/ day). Single rooms on appointment at an extra charge. Participants teaching ancient Greek in school will pay a reduced price for accommodation on appointment if they visit us with their school class (also at another point in time).
In addition, free accommodation for one or two school classes and their teachers will be possible if they perform our libretto and play "Helike Athanatos" in ancient Greek like some Viennese students of Greek (last year in August) and pupils with its 4 teachers of secondary school Husum (this year October 2 to 16). For more information realizing this project see our program below!
Hellenikon Idyllion, Gr. 25100, Selianitika (Egion)
Tel. 0030/26910/72488 Mobil. 0030/6972/263/356
New in this Year!
Modern Greek Courses at “Hellenikon Idyllion” –
Διδασκαλία τῆς Νέας Ἑλληνικής Γλώσσας στό “Ἑλληνικόν Εἰδύλλιον”
Under the direction of the greek Philologist Giota Diamanti
Τhis summer there will be a class of Modern Greek language courses for those who are either familiar with Ancient Greek or come into contact with the Greek language for the first time. The language of instruction is English. Private tuition, charged additionally, is also offered to those who need further support.
Τῷδε τῷ θέρει ἔσται τμῆμα διδασκαλικόν τῆς Νέας Ἑλληνικής Γλώσσης, εἴτε τοῖς ἤδη διδαχθεῖσι τήν Ἀρχαίαν Ἑλληνικήν, ἤ τοῖς πρωτοδαέσι περί τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Ἡ Ἀγγλική ἐστίν ἡ τῆς διδασκαλίας γλῶσσα. Ἐπί πλέον διδασκαλία τῆς Νέας Ἑλληνικῆς, ἐπί προστιθεμένῃ ἀξίᾳ, παρέχεται ἰδίᾳ τοῖς χρήζουσι περαιτέρω ἐπικουρίας.